Monday, July 13, 2009

A Free Range baby?

As we began getting the baby's room put together this weekend, me and Wife had our first clash in parental styles. Should we have a crib.

I'm not a fan of putting my baby inside a crib. I told the Wife that I don't want our child spending its first years of life living behind wooden or plastic bars. I want my child to be a free thinker, a toddler who thinks, plays and sleeps outside the box. I'd rather clear the room of anything dangerous and put a mattress in the center of the floor. The Wife's reaction, "You want to raise a free range baby?" My response, "Yes, yes I do."

From the first day it's born, I want my child to know that he or she can be anything it wants, to not follow the trends and social norms, to be a person who thinks and feels and acts without fear of being called a weirdo. The crib is a mini-prison that starts forming walls inside my tiny, developing baby's brain.

The Wife, after I explained to her my thoughts on the benefits of my alternative child raising philosophies, gave me that, "We are not going to just put the baby on the floor" look and sighed. Enough said, I guess we're going to go crib shopping in the near future.

What you see above is going to be the baby's room, and no, the power drill on the cabinet will not be one of its toys (the baby is still an "it" until our next appointment in two weeks where we'll find out the sex). I think we're going to paint the room in a shade of yellow and buy some good curtains for the windows.

The room is going to be pretty simple: A crib ( I suppose), the glider chair and glider footstool (the Wife loves it), and a bookcase. Maybe a dresser that can also serve as a changing table.

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