Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A shocking discovery

This is our house a long time ago before we bought it. Not only is the paint scheme ugly, there's no garage, the driveway is just dirt and there's three trees in the front yard. UGH!All I can say is wow.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Painting, books, and other updates

I know the feeling, buddy.

House of a different color.

I'm back. Well, I really haven't gone anywhere but I haven't blog for a long time due to laziness or boredom or more likely a combination of the two. Anyway, for my first time back since January I'll give a quick recap and the big things that have been going on.

House painting:
The house is finished and now I need to get started on the garage, which is going to be a pain in the ass cause it needs a lot of scraping and sanding. I'm hoping to have it done and finish up a few other small things on the house by the end of September.


I've played quite a bit of golf so far this summer, which is good cause in South Dakota you can only play from April to maybe October. I had a major swing meltdown a few weeks ago at the nicest course I've ever played and since then I have completely rework my swing. My biggest problem before was I was lifting my back foot off the ground at impact and over rotating my hips. But, the past few times I've hit the links it appears my hard work is starting to pay off and I'm starting to hit the ball pretty well. Another bright side is that I've found a few people who also like to play. I don't mind playing by myself but it's more fun with company.

I set a goal in January of reading 10 books this year. Here is what's in my completed pile so far.
Paper Lion; Tom Sawyer; The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn; Red Dragon; Nick Carter, the Chinese Paymaster; 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; The Old Man and the Sea.
It's a good mixture of stuff, I'm currently reading another Nick Carter adventure, and then maybe I'll go back to the classics and read another Hemingway tale.

Luke is doing well. He is almost 8 months old. He's not crawling yet but he's good at standing on his own with a little help. He's also babbling and maybe if we're lucky he will say his first words soon.

What's in store:

We want to replace two more windows and maybe recarpet the downstairs and stairs. The carpet probably has to wait because money has been a little tight this year due to day care costs and we've had a lot of dental and medical bills. My vacation is coming up in a month and we're going to spend a few days in Denver, I might go camping for a day or two and we're planning on a big BBQ. Another baby? Who knows.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Thursday, December 10, 2009

So, now what?

Ready for the car ride home

Wylie: "Who are you! Whoever you are, you will not be stealing away the attention I get on a daily basis."

All strapped in and ready to begin my new life with these two people

Little Luke is home and the first thought that came to my mind, naturally was, "So, what do we do now? And where is that 24-hour nursing staff? It's only been one day, but I think I got this caring for a newborn down. There are just three basic steps: Feed the baby, change the baby and swaddle him up like a burrito and get my 8 hours of sleep in 1 hour and 30 minute periods between feeding.

I've also been surprised by two things so far: 1.) I wasn't completely disgusted by the actual birth. And trust me, I was right there holding her leg back and I could see everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, plain as day. I didn't faint or nothing. 2.) Changing diapers, not so bad. I think the key is to not take a deep breath while doing it. Plus, and guys I hate to say it, but if she was able to push out a baby from her stuff and suffer rips and tears, then I think changing some diapers is the least we can do.

Tomorrow is his first doctor's appointment with the baby doc. We're expecting it to go OK. The next few days are going to be tough cause wife is trying to breastfeed and it takes a day of pumping and stuff to get it flowing. So right now we have to do a three-step process to feed him that involves both of us. But once that milk is flowing and she can bottle it, then we can work out a sleep schedule where both of us can get a peaceful 6 hours of sleep while the other is in charge of taking care of Luke, and then after 6 hours we'll switch. Teamwork, baby!

Anyway, we also have to get back on track trying to nail down a potential child care facility for when wife goes back to work in March. There's a few places we like, it just comes down to filling out applications and getting on a waiting list.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

All good things

Goodbye, old friend. We had a great 10 years together, but we must now part ways. You were my first new vehicle and we've seen and done many things. I hope that your next owner will treat you well and that you'll give them as many years of good times that you've given me.

I know that moving to South Dakota was difficult and driving through snow and ice wasn't easy on you, but you ran like a champ. It's not that I don't want you anymore, it's just that with a baby on the way we needed to buy a bigger vehicle. We've had some great times, though.

I'll always remember the trips to the Keys and the summer afternoons at the beach. Sometimes we would just drive, going nowhere in particular but just wastin' away the day. Remember when I got Wylie? She meowed and cried all the way home. You got us home safely. You never failed to start when I needed you to run the most and you never left me stranded. I wish you could have brought home our first child from the hospital. Maybe, we'll name him Chevy?

As many good times we had, I can't thank you enough for getting me through some tough times. You were there to help me and the Wife move after hurricanes Francis and Jeanne destroyed our apartments. All the drives home after horrible dates and bad breakups. But, lets not dwell on the bad stuff. You were the best vehicle I have ever owned and I can not thank you enough for the last 10 years.

So, goodbye old friend. I'll miss you.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Camping, but not roughin' it

The video is sideways, just tilt your head.

Our campsite. It was up on a hill which made it a little difficult for the Wife to haul her extra baggage up and down.

A view of the nearby needles peaks

We drove down to Crazy Horse Memorial. This will never be finished in our lifetimes.

Kitty says "Ize wantz to go too. me stozzs awaay."

Overall, me and the Wife's two-day camping trip was fun, except for the nipple-stiffening nights. It was FREEZING cold. The first night I barely slept because it was so cold. The second night I decided that I was going to stay warm no matter what. I went to bed wearing socks, jeans, a T-shirt, two long sleeve shirts, a sweater and a winter hat. Once I zipped myself up tight into the sleeping bag I was snug and warm.

It was a relaxing weekend. We spent the days walking around the lake and driving around taking in the scenery. At night, I built a fire and we just sat around it and talked. Occasionally I'd stick a wiener into the flames. It was so nice just getting away and forgetting about everything else in the world and not caring what was happening.

On the baby front, negotiations over names for our boy continue. The Wife writes down like 50 names, hands me the list and I end up crossing off 48 of them. I mention a few and her response is, "we are not naming him that!" We both want something unique, but not wacky. I like Stone, Sarrick and Jarik. Wife says we can't call him Stone Smith cause, "that sounds like a profession." Some of the names she likes I hate because I imagine kids with those names wearing collared shirts with sweaters tied around their neck saying, "hullo, mommy and daddy, it would be ever so nice if we had crumpets today" as he stands there in his short pants. Of course, with the amount of Mexican food she eats I wouldn't be surprised if a moustached baby with machismo pops out and says, "Hola!"

We do have one name that we both like. The Wife isn't 100 percent sold on it, but I'm wearing her down.

Well, I'm off to Denver today. Going to spend a few days with my sister and nephews. I've got tickets to a Rockies game Wednesday night, should be fun. I'll likely spend a day at Estes Park and take in the scenery of Rocky Mountain National Park. I'll post pictures of my trip once I return. I'll have to make a mental note to stop in Chugwater, Wyo., for their world-famous chili.